Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wall's Throne Speech

Objective and impartial observations are possible by reviewing information from a factual non-biased point of view on a point by point examination. A surplus that has moved from a quoted $2 billion dollars to a more precisely stated $1.9 billion a few weeks ago in post election interviews has now in the Throne Speech been reduced to $1.2 billion. Where did the $700 million dollars go? Historical deliberations have proven that when a common goal is not provided then amicable decisions are nigh impossible to reach when two opposing parties are present. It will only increase on an exponential scale when multiple factions are present as will be the case with the yet to be determined Enterprise Saskatchewan convenes. In all likely hood a ‘schoolyard brawl will ensue’. The words ‘congenial’ and ‘Grant Devine’ do not belong together in any universe no matter how altered that reality may become. Having said this I personally find that the elements of the Throne Speech are less than inspirational. Thoughts and opinions?